Ashley Monroe
Ashley Monroe is a country music singer and songwriter born in America. Her debut singles came out in 2007 and a full album called Satisfied. The year 2013 saw her debuted her second album titled Like a Rose. Ashley Monroe performing with Blake Shelton in the year 2015. she released The Blade. This album earned her acclaim and praise. Ashley Monroe holds a position as assistant village manager in Riverside Illinois. She has 15 years of experience within the public sector which includes nearly five year periods in Iowa City. Her current duties as Assistant Village Manager include management of the Community Development and Building Department managing grants, as well as completing specific projects. Ashley assists in the everyday running of Riverside's services and also in implementing elected officials' and community visions. Ashley's past roles included administration planning, communications budgeting, and staff management and collective negotiation. Ashley is also passionate about climate change. Due to her engagement in the national community and working in communities that have populations of varying sizes, Ashley has gained insight on the complexities differences and similarities in how public organizations operate. Ashley's classes focus on public leadership and management from the perspective of a practitioner with experience. She focuses on adapting strategies and ethical decisions in order in order to address today's challenges and challenges. She also helps manage intergovernmental relations.

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